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  1. SLT and Board Members Travel and Accommodation Bookings 2024-2025 Q1

  2. 2nd Option Pension Expression of Interest Form

    Retained 2nd Option Expression of Interest in Joining the Modified Scheme - Application for Statement of Special Service

  3. Gifts, Hospitality and Interests Policy

    This policy details the SFRS approach to offers of gifts, hospitality (including sponsorship) and interests, providing clear guidelines, as well as detailing the procedures to be followed

  4. Firework and Bonfire Safety Presentation, Primary School Level, 2024

  5. Firework and Bonfire Safety Presentation, Secondary School Level, 2024

  6. Telecare and SFRS - A Partnership Approach to Fire Safety Good Practice Guide (Digital version)

    The guide aims to improve the safety, experience and outcomes for people in receipt of telecare services in Scotland

  7. Telecare and SFRS - A Partnership Approach to Fire Safety Good Practice Guide (Print version)

    This guide aims to improve the safety, experience and outcomes for people in receipt of telecare services in Scotland

  8. Bonfires and Fireworks Leaflet (English version) - DIGITAL

  9. Annual Performance Review Report 2023-2024

  10. SFRS Board, 20240829, Papers

    The papers for the Board meeting on 29/08/2024