Board member
Angiolina Foster

Angiolina Foster
She is a respected public service leader whose work has spanned local government, national government and the third sector.
Angiolina is a respected public service leader whose work has spanned local government, national government and the third sector.
She most recently held a Chief Executive position within Scotland’s NHS. In all her roles, she has aimed to put people at the heart of service design and delivery. This has afforded her rich learning in leadership, strategy and service transformation. She was awarded a CBE in 2011 for her contribution to Scotland’s public services.
Since late 2021, Angiolina has been Chair of Public Health Scotland. She is also a voluntary Trustee with Playlist for Life, a dementia music charity, and with The Big Noise, a charity dedicated to transforming children’s lives through music.
To contact the Board about a specific issue, please email
- Service Delivery Committee
- Change Committee
Register of interests
Information on the exact nature of the requirement under each category can be found in the Code of Conduct for Board Members of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
- Chair, Public Health Scotland
Related Undertakings
- None
- None
Houses, Land and Buildings
- None
Shares and Securities
- None
Non-Financial Interests
Voluntary Trustee of Playlist for Life
Registered Teacher, Classical Yoga School (London, Scotland)
Other Interests
- None