Board member
Madeline Smith

Madeline Smith
Madeline has worked on innovation across the public, private and academic sectors.
Most recently she was Head of Strategy for the School of Innovation and Technology at the Glasgow School of Art, leading collaborative innovation programmes to address complex challenges. Madeline has also established a consultancy focused on support for clusters, collaborative innovation and system change. Madeline is currently a non-executive Board member for the Scottish Ambulance Service and was previously Vice Chair at NHS 24.
To contact the Board about a specific issue, please email
- Service Delivery Committee
Register of interests
Information on the exact nature of the requirement under each category can be found in the Code of Conduct for Board Members of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
- Non-Executive Board Member, Scottish Ambulance Service
- Owner/Director, SmithKelvin Consultancy
Related Undertakings
- None
- None
Houses, Land and Buildings
- None
Shares and Securities
- None
Non-Financial Interests
- Member of Construction Leadership Forum
Other Interests
- None