Board member
Mhairi Wylie

Mhairi Wylie
She graduated from Aberdeen University in 2004 and has since been actively involved and employed in the Third Sector in various roles and activities.
Mhairi graduated from Aberdeen University in 2004 and after a year as a student representative with the student’s association, went on to work in the third sector first in Edinburgh and then in Highland.
Her current role as the Chief Officer of the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI) encompasses the management of a diverse organisation and support for a wide range of projects, including advocacy in relation to the work of the communities, voluntary and wider third sector.
Before joining HTSI in 2012 Mhairi worked at Ross and Cromarty CAB, latterly as manager and also held positions with the Board of Ross-Shire Women’s Aid and as a member of the Children’s Panel. In 2021, Mhairi completed her MSc in Development Management, taking a particular focus on the role of the Third Sector within the Justice System.
To contact the Board about a specific issue, please email
- People Committee (Chair)
- Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
- Remunerations, Appointments and Nominations Sub-Committee
- Integrated Governance Forum
Register of interests
Information on the exact nature of the requirement under each category can be found in the Code of Conduct for Board Members of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
- Chief Officer, Highland Third Sector Interface
Related Undertakings
- None
- None
Houses, Land and Buildings
- None
Shares and Securities
- None
Non-Financial Interests
- Work closely as a colleague in Community Planning with SFRS
Other Interests
- None