Board member
Stuart Ballingall

Stuart Ballingall
He is an experienced finance professional whose career spans banking, insurance and asset management.
He has wide leadership experience from Bank of Scotland and Tesco Bank where he was involved in strategic planning and financial management. Throughout his career he has led a number of strategic change programmes. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and a Fellow of the Chartered Banker Institute.
To contact the Board about a specific issue, please email
- Change Committee
- Remunerations, Appointments and Nominations Sub-Committee
Register of interests
Information on the exact nature of the requirement under each category can be found in the Code of Conduct for Board Members of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
Self-employed - Crius Furnishing
Related Undertakings
- None
- None
Houses, Land and Buildings
- None
Shares and Securities
- None
Non-Financial Interests
- None
Other Interests
- None