Air pressure relief mattresses

As these mattresses contain pressurised air, they can be a fire risk if not handled safely. Learn how to handle them safely and prevent fires.

Keeping your air pressure mattresses fire safe

Air pressure mattresses, also called airflow mattresses, are filled with air by a pump. This allows for the air to adjust the pressure according to the patient's needs. 

They are typically used by people who are bedbound or have low-mobility. The mattress is designed to help those at high-risk of developing pressure sores or ulcers. 

As these mattresses contain pressurised air, they can be a fire risk if not handled safely. If punctured by a heat source, the escaping airflow could cause a fire which would spread rapidly. The emergency battery backup may continue to pump air which can cause a fire to burn longer. 

If anyone in your home uses an air pressure mattress, or overlay, make sure you:

  • never smoke in bed or near an air-pressure mattress
  • keep ignition sources such as candles, incense sticks or oil burners away from the mattress
  • keep fires and heaters away from the mattress
  • never use an electric blanket on the mattress 
  • never place hot items like hair dryers or hair straighteners on the mattress
  • ensure that electrical equipment is well maintained and kept at a safe distance from the mattress

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