Home fire safety visits
Enhance fire safety in your home with a home fire safety check or visit.
As these mattresses contain pressurised air, they can be a fire risk if not handled safely. Learn how to handle them safely and prevent fires.
Air pressure mattresses, also called airflow mattresses, are filled with air by a pump. This allows for the air to adjust the pressure according to the patient's needs.
They are typically used by people who are bedbound or have low-mobility. The mattress is designed to help those at high-risk of developing pressure sores or ulcers.
As these mattresses contain pressurised air, they can be a fire risk if not handled safely. If punctured by a heat source, the escaping airflow could cause a fire which would spread rapidly. The emergency battery backup may continue to pump air which can cause a fire to burn longer.
If anyone in your home uses an air pressure mattress, or overlay, make sure you:
Enhance fire safety in your home with a home fire safety check or visit.
Learn how to reduce the risk of fires as a result of smoking
To keep warm and safe follow our guides on how to use heating sources in the home.