Guide to our consultation process, open and previous consultations, and how to make sure you have your say.
Public involvement
Our mission is to work together for a safer Scotland. Active engagement and consultation is a key principle of our approach. The process of public involvement gives people and communities the chance to become involved in decision making processes.
Feedback on our services helps us to understand the needs, experiences and expectations of the communities we serve. This means we can improve and develop our services to meet these needs.
Get involved in future consultations
Want to get involved and have your say in future consultations? Register your details to be notified about forthcoming consultations and surveys and to receive updates on our engagement work.
You can also contact the public involvement team by email at
Open consultation
Previous consultations
Consultation policy
The consultation policy has a wide range of information and guidance such as:
- how SFRS conducts public involvement and consultation
- why we need to consult
- what consultation is
- the importance of stakeholders
- why we should be inclusive in seeking a broad spectrum of diverse opinions