
What FireSkill are, who are they for, and how to find our what local FireSkills activities are near you.

What are FireSkills

FireSkills is a fully flexible programme aimed to develop core skills. It includes a range of sessions based on firefighter drills. These are modelled on firefighter drills to build skills in:

  • problem solving

  • basic first aid and CPR

  • team working and team leading

  • confidence and communication

  • citizenship skills

  • an understanding of the contribution that the we and other agencies make to our communities

These activities are adapted to provide a unique learning experience for young people.

Who is FireSkills programme for?

Fireskills is a flexible programme for any young people aged between 12 and 18 who want to develop key skills in a practical setting. It has been designed to suit a wide range of learners and there are no prerequisites for joining. The programme is flexible, and can be tailored to the needs  of an individual or group to focus on key topics.

How long does a programme last?

Sessions contain links to Curriculum for Excellence and can be delivered for a duration up to 35 hours to suit local need. 

Fireskills will usually take place during school hours and young people will be supported by a member of staff from the referring agency.

Partner agencies and referring young people

We will work closely with partner agencies to identify local needs and select the appropriate sessions.

Partner agencies will get consent from the young person before refering them to the programme. Our current partners include:

  • Education

  • Social Work

  • Police Scotland

  • Community Learning & Development

You can find out about how we will process young people’s personal data in the Fireskills Privacy Notice.

Find FireSkills activities near you

To find out what FireSkills activities are going on contact your local community action team. They can also let you know how we are helping develop and support young people in your area.

FireSkills Employability Award (FEA)

The FireSkills Employability Award builds on the sessions from FireSkills programme. It aims to give young people formal recognition of their achievement.

The FireSkills programme is part of the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Credit and Levelling process. It is now a recognised accredited learning programme, providing 4 credit points at level 4. This enables learners to:

  • build a portfolio of evidence based on activities within informal education settings

  • Identify transferrable skills and recognise prior learning for further education and employment opportunities

The FEA has been designed to suit a wide range of learners and there are no pre-requisites for entry on to the programme. Because of the delivery level it is suggested this programme would be best suited for those 14 years and over.

It can be delivered in any environment by Fire and Rescue personnel. Set criteria for the programme must be adhered to. All the learning outcomes must be undertaken and successfully achieved

You can find out more about FireSkills activities in your area by contacting your local community action team.


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