Firefighters thank little Alloweigh after she helps alert them to house fire

Firefighters at Lanark Community Fire Station thanked two-year-old Alloweigh Frame after she helped alert them to a fire in a neighbour's house.

Firefighters have rewarded a quick-thinking two-year-old after she helped alert the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to a nearby house fire.

Alloweigh Frame spotted a fire within a neighbour's property while looking out the window of her home in Lanark, South Lanarkshire on Monday 29 April. She immediately alerted mum, Isla, who called 999.

Thanks to Alloweigh's swift reactions, crews from nearby Lanark Community Fire Station were able to respond and prevent the fire from spreading or causing any casualties.

The Frame family were invited to the fire station earlier this week where Alloweigh was presented with a certificate of appreciation and a host of goodies.

Paul Mathieson, Station Commander at Lanark Community Fire Station, said: "Alloweigh's quick-thinking alerted our crews to an emergency incident and, thanks to this, we were able to act swiftly and extinguish the fire without it spreading or causing any casualties.

"For a two-year-old to have the confidence and awareness to identify that something was wrong and then alert their parents is very impressive.

"We were delighted to recently welcome Alloweigh and her family into Lanark Community Fire Station to present them with a certificate of our appreciation.

"We hope that everyone who came along had a memorable day and that it's provided Alloweigh with something to look back upon fondly as she grows up."