Kitten’s first adventure ends in rescue

A kitten’s first venture outside led to a rescue from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS).

Only nine weeks old, the adventurous animal took on more than it could climb and became stuck in a tree in its owners’ garden near Invergordon in the Highlands.  

The worried owners called for help. When the SFRS crews arrived they used a ladder to reach the kitten, who happily came into the arms of firefighter John Strang from Invergordon Community Fire Station.  

Back on safe ground and handed back its owners, the little moggy showed no signs of distress after its first adventure and still had all its nine lives intact.  


Watch Commander Dean MacFadden said: “We were happy to see this much-loved pet back in the safe hands of its owner.  

“As a Service, we help our local community in whatever way we can. Sometimes this can mean helping animals in distress. Our response by trained and equipped firefighters can prevent members of the public putting themselves in danger by attempting to do their own rescue.”