Multi-Agency Training Exercise in the Borders teaches skills to Emergency Services Students

Two multi-agency training exercises have taken place in the Scottish Borders.

The exercises, held at fire stations in Galashiels and Hawick, were aimed at teaching students from all emergency services how to respond to a road traffic collision.

Students from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Ambulance Service and Police Scotland attended a mock exercise which involved a two vehicle high-speed head on collision.

The incident also included casualties with potentially serious injuries.

Approximately 20 student paramedics attended both exercises where crews learned how to deal with a traumatic cardiac arrest, a roof off extrication and much more.

Paramedic Lee Myers, SAS’s lead for the exercise, said: “The three services share an excellent working relationship and this has been a great opportunity to work on improving communication and joint agency working. I would like to say a huge thank you to all involved for making this training exercise such a success.”

Area Commander Hilary Sangster is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Local Senior Officer for Midlothian, East Lothian and Scottish Borders. She said: “Exercises such as this are important and hugely worthwhile for our firefighters to train to protect our communities alongside emergency service colleagues in a unique and dynamic environment – and also follow several months of planning. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved and especially Station Commanders Grant Fraser and Roy Bradley, and our partners for their continued commitment to this multi-agency training.”