Scottish Fire and Rescue Service statement following outcome of Fire Brigades Union ballot on industrial action

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) has today received notification that following a UK-wide ballot, members of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) have voted in favour of industrial action.

SFRS Interim Deputy Chief Officer Stuart Stevens has assured the public that any emergency where there is a risk to life or a clear sign of fire will be responded to during any strike action.

Interim DCO Stevens said: “I wholly support a pay increase for our firefighters and absolutely recognise the right of firefighters to strike.

“The FBU represents many firefighters in Scotland and therefore any strike action will have an impact on our emergency response.

“As a fire and rescue service, we have a legal and moral duty to provide an emergency response to the communities of Scotland, including during periods of industrial action.

“I want to assure the public that we are developing contingency plans to enact during any strike and we will respond to any emergency where there is a risk to life or a clear sign of fire.”

Interim DCO Stevens added: “We know that the outcome of this ballot may cause concern or feelings of uncertainty.

“This is an unfolding situation which we are closely monitoring and will continue to engage with the FBU, National Joint Council, Scottish Government and other key stakeholders.

“We will know more about what this ballot means for us as a Service in the coming weeks and we will keep the public and businesses up to date.

“We also have a wealth of key safety advice on our website – – to help you stay safe at home, outdoors and in the workplace.”