Senior officer awarded King’s Fire Service Medal

A senior officer at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service who helped plan and enact formal arrangements for the funeral of Her Majesty The Queen has been recognised today for his career spanning three decades.

His Majesty The King has awarded the medal for distinguished service to Area Commander Matt Acton who, after 29 years, is set to retire this month from the Service and his current post as Local Senior Officer for the City of Edinburgh.

His leadership during the planning and implementation of Operation Unicorn and his dedicated service led to the award. Operation Unicorn is the name given to the formal plans put into effect following the sad passing of Her Majesty The Queen. Area Commander Acton was integral in delivering the Service's role in the plans, which involved hundreds of members of staff. 

Speaking about his award, AC Acton said: "I am immensely proud and honoured to receive the King’s Fire Service Medal.

"It has been a huge honour for me to have led the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service element of our multi-agency plan for Operation Unicorn and to contribute to the delivery of the funeral for Her Majesty The Queen. Receiving this award in the year of the King's Coronation makes it all the more special.

"It has been a privilege for me to serve the communities of Scotland. I have been fortunate to have worked with many great teams and individuals, not just in the fire service, but also with our partners and the wider community.

"I would like to thank all those that I have worked with and also my family for their unwavering support."