SFRS appoints new Chief Officer

Deputy Chief Officer, Stuart Stevens, to be appointed as the new Chief Officer later this year.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has appointed a new Chief Officer.

Following a thorough recruitment process the Service’s current Deputy Chief Officer, Stuart Stevens, will take up the role later this year.

DCO Stevens will bring more than 26 years of experience to the role, which he will assume on Friday, November 1.

This follows the retirement of our current Chief Officer, Ross Haggart, in October.

Stuart Stevens in uniform in front of a grey SFRS crest

DCO Stevens’ career began as a firefighter in 1998. Following the formation of the national service in 2013, he held various positions, including Group Manager in the Falkirk and West Lothian LSO Area, National Community Safety Group Manager, and Area Commander for Prevention and Protection.

In 2019, he became Deputy Assistant Chief Officer within the Strategic Planning, Performance, and Communications directorate.

He was then appointed as Assistant Chief Officer and Director of Service Delivery in 2020, followed by the roles of Interim Deputy Chief Officer in 2022 and permanent Deputy Chief Officer in April 2023.

The process to recruit a new Deputy Chief Officer for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service has already commenced.