Storm Babet update

FIREFIGHTERS are urging the public to stay away from flood waters and to follow evacuation advice as Storm Babet continues to cause life-threatening flooding across Scotland.

FIREFIGHTERS are urging the public to stay away from flood waters and to follow evacuation advice as Storm Babet continues to cause life-threatening flooding across Scotland.

A second Red weather warning has been issued by the Met Office covering the Tayside and Grampian regions from midnight tonight, Friday 20 October, to midnight on Saturday, 21 October.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) has responded to almost 70 weather related incidents across Scotland, including rescues from homes and floodwaters.

Members of the public are asked to avoid flood waters at all costs and to not to attempt to walk through, play in, drive through, or otherwise attempt to enter any flooded areas for any reason.

David Lockhart, SFRS Assistant Chief Officer, has also urged residents to follow evacuation advice from local authorities and emergency services following a number of rescues from flooded homes.

ACO Lockhart said: “We are facing unprecedented flooding in many areas, and we must stress to the public that flood waters should always be avoided.

“If you know someone who is in trouble or you need emergency service assistance, call 999 and do not attempt to reach any people, animals, or properties through floodwaters.

“Keep children and pets away from the water and do not travel in or around the affected areas wherever possible.

“Our firefighters continue to assist with several rescues from homes, and we would strongly urge everyone to listen to the evacuation warnings and advice from your local authority or the emergency services.”

An additional Amber warning for rain is in place across the Easter Ross, Caithness, and Sutherland areas for Saturday. Existing warnings are still in effect across other areas in the east and north of Scotland.

Since Thursday morning (19 October), SFRS has received more than 750 emergency 999 calls and attended almost 300 incidents in total.

ACO Lockhart added: “We have a significant number of resources from across Scotland deployed in the areas affected and we continue to support evacuation and rescue efforts.

“This is a carefully planned and co-ordinated operation to ensure we are best placed to respond to emergencies and protect the welfare of our crews.

“However, by heeding the advice from us and our partners you can help minimise the risk to you and those around you.

“This will also greatly assist emergency services and local authorities as we work together to respond to this incredibly challenging weather event.”



Floodwater can be dangerous. We want to ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

Floodwater poses significant risks:

1. Swift Currents: Floodwaters can have powerful and swift currents that are deceptively strong. Even a few inches of moving water can knock you off your feet, making it impossible to regain your balance.

2. Hidden Hazards: Floodwaters can hide numerous dangers beneath the surface, including sharp debris, branches, rocks, and even submerged vehicles. These hazards can cause serious injuries or worse.

3. Water Quality: Floodwaters are often contaminated with sewage, chemicals, and other pollutants, which can lead to severe health issues if you come into contact with them. Ingesting or exposing open wounds to this water can lead to infections and illnesses.

4. Unpredictability: Flood conditions can change rapidly, leading to unexpected rises in water levels and intensifying currents. What may seem like a shallow puddle can transform into a dangerous situation within minutes.

5. Cold Water Shock: Water can become very cold. Always be aware of the danger of Cold Water Shock which can affect your stamina.

For your safety and the safety of others, we ask that you remain alert to the conditions. Do not enter floodwater. We also ask that parents, guardians and carers talk to children and young people about the dangers of playing in floodwater and the importance of staying away from flooded areas.