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  1. People Committee, 20210304, minutes

    The minutes of the Staff Governance Committee (now called People Committee) meeting on 04/03/2021

  2. Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, 20210121, papers

    The papers for the ARAC meeting on 21/01/2021

  3. People Committee, 20221208, papers

  4. People Committee, 20231207, Minutes

  5. Change Committee, 20230209, Minutes

  6. Change Committee, 20210506, Minutes

    The minutes of the Change Committee meeting on 06/05/2021

  7. Change Committee, 20210204, Papers

    The papers for the Change Committee meeting on 04/02/2021

  8. People Committee, 20210909, minutes

  9. People Committee, 20210602, minutes

  10. People Committee, 20230608, papers