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  1. Change Committee, 20240801, Papers

    The papers for the Change Committee meeting on 01/08/2024

  2. Service Delivery Committee, 20241126, Papers

    Combined public papers for the Service Delivery Committee meeting on 26 November 2024

  3. People Committee, 20230608, papers

  4. People Committee, 20230302, minutes

  5. People Committee, 20210304, papers

    The papers for the Staff Governance Committee (now called People Committee) meeting on 04/03/2021

  6. Ageing Safely - Living Well: a Support Framework for Older People (Digital Version)

    This framework combines all our community safety ambitions to support our older population, detailing the common contributory factors involved in fire deaths and injuries, and sets these within an innovative community engagement context

  7. Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy

  8. Terms of Reference - Service Delivery Committee

  9. Managing Employee Performance Policy

  10. People Committee, 20231207, Minutes