Home fire safety visits
Enhance fire safety in your home with a home fire safety check or visit.
Find out what to do in an emergency to escape a fire quickly and safely
Having a fire escape plan will help you escape quickly and safely if a fire should occur.
Make sure everyone leaves immediately. Smoke and fumes can quickly overcome anyone.
Trying to tackle a fire or stopping to save goods could prove fatal. Remember, your main priority is to get out safely. Property can be replaced, but people cannot.
The only safe thing to do is get out the building, call 999 and ask for the Fire Service.
Only ever try this if you have no other choice and are on the first floor. Never jump out of a window, unless you are sure it will be safe to do so.
If your clothing catches fire, stop, drop down and roll on the ground until the flames go out.
If someone else’s clothing catches light, use a blanket, rug or thick coat to put out the flames.
Most high rise domestic buildings are built with the principle of ‘stay put’ in mind. This means that flats will be designed to resist the spread of fire. Because of this, a fire is not likely to spread from one flat to another.
If there is a fire in your building, but not in your flat, you should stay in your home and keep the front door closed unless:
It is rare for people to be trapped by fire. If you are:
If you have any questions, you should speak to the person responsible for fire safety in your building
Enhance fire safety in your home with a home fire safety check or visit.
Learn how to create an escape plan for getting everyone out as quickly and safely as possible
Simple bedtime checks to prevent potential fire hazards