Home fire safety visits
Find out what is a Home Fire Safety Visit, who can get one, and how to arrange a visit.
What tenants and private landlords need to do to make sure that the property is fire safe.
Private landlords have a legal responsibility to ensure tenants live in safe and secure homes.
They must provide a smoke alarm on each floor of a property.
A carbon monoxide alarm must also be in place within any room with a solid fuel burning appliance.
Furniture must also be fire safe.
Private landlords obligations for The Repairing Standard are set out by the Scottish Government.
The Scottish Housing Quality Standard is also available for further support to tenants and landlords.
Find out what is a Home Fire Safety Visit, who can get one, and how to arrange a visit.
Essential tips and guidelines for safely using candles, tea-lights, oil lamps, and essential oil burners.
Simple bedtime checks to prevent potential fire hazards