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  1. Terms of Reference - Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

  2. People Committee, 20241205, Papers

    The papers for the People Committee on 5 December 2024. Revised papers uploaded on 11 December 2024

  3. Change Committee, 20210204, Minutes

    The minutes of the Change Committee on 04/02/2021

  4. Dignity and Respect Policy

    The objectives of this policy are to promote a culture of dignity, integrity and respect and to clearly define the standards of behaviour required within the workplace.

  5. Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

    This Policy ensures disciplinary matters are dealt with fairly, consistently and on the basis of natural justice, by ensuring steps are taken to establish the facts and to give employees the opportunity to respond before considering any formal action.

  6. Whistleblowing Policy

    This policy is intended to encourage and enable employees to raise serious concerns within SFRS, rather than overlooking a problem or blowing the whistle externally, and to reassure employees that they can do so without fear or reprisal.

  7. People Committee, 20240606, Papers

    The papers for the People Committee on 06/06/2024

  8. People Committee, 20210304, minutes

    The minutes of the Staff Governance Committee (now called People Committee) meeting on 04/03/2021

  9. Service Delivery Committee, 20241126, Minutes

    Approved minutes from the Service Delivery Committee held on 26 November 2024.

  10. People Committee, 20211202, papers