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  1. Multi-Agency Training Exercise in the Borders teaches skills to Emergency Services Students

    Two multi-agency training exercises have taken place in the Scottish Borders.

    6 April 2023

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  2. Western Isles employers are first recipients of national award for supporting firefighters

    Four employers in the Western Isles with on call firefighters among their workforce have been recognised for helping efforts to keep local communities safe.

    4 April 2023

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  3. Firefighters reflect on the loss of nineteen colleagues on 63rd anniversary of a Glasgow fire

    A service of remembrance has been held in Glasgow to commemorate nineteen firefighters who lost their lives while tackling a fire at Cheapside Street 63 years ago.

    28 March 2023

    News Article

  4. SFRS Partnership with Anthony Nolan reaches a new milestone

    The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) partnership with Anthony Nolan has celebrated a new milestone - with the 19,000th donor signed up to the blood cancer charity’s stem cell register.

    24 March 2023

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  5. 100 Days Until Firefighters Change Response To Unwanted Fire Alarms For Workplaces

    The way firefighters across Scotland respond to unwanted fire alarm signals in commercial premises will change in 100 days from today.

    23 March 2023

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  6. A Colombian national achieves the dream of becoming a firefighter

    One of Scotland’s newest firefighters has told how he was inspired by the bravery of rescue teams after witnessing devastating earthquakes in South America.

    23 August 2023

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  7. Memorial Service honours fallen firefighters on the 51st anniversary of Kilbirnie Street fire in Glasgow

    Today commemorates the 51st anniversary of the Kilbirnie Street fire, a tragic incident in Glasgow that claimed the lives of seven firefighters.

    25 August 2023

    News Article

  8. Scottish Firefighters to participate in health screening trials

    The Scottish Government has provided funding of £56,000 to enable firefighters based in Scotland to participate in a UK-wide health screening programme which is being facilitated by the Fire Brigades Union and the University of Central Lancashire.

    29 August 2023

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  9. UPDATED - 31-08-23 East Lothian fire - smoke continues to be visible and residents urged to follow safety advice

    The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was alerted at 1.40pm on Monday, 28 August to reports of a fire at a commercial landfill site in Dunbar.

    31 August 2023

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  10. Glasgow firefighters rescue stranded pets of Still Game stars

    Firefighters in Glasgow are the toast of Craiglang after rescuing a pair of stranded dogs from a deep-seated fox hole.

    6 September 2023

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